When is and ending not an ending?

(Not to worry. There are NO spoilers here.)

The Light Attendant: Part I

I have heard a few comments now regarding “the ending” of The Light Attendant, Part I (which, of course, is not actually the end of a three-part story). What I am hearing is: it is abrupt, it is unexpected. One reader “hated it”.

Good. That is exactly what one ought to be thinking and feeling at the end of Part I of my story.

Let me explain:

What was intended to be one simple and short manuscript turned into two long and somewhat involved narratives once I became entrenched in my research. In the end, the book was too long to be a manageable read in one sitting.

I had to break up the story into its respective parts but to do that, I had to decide where to place the section breaks.

I chose the breaks in the story intentionally, each having a purpose.

I don’t want any spoilers here so let me simply ask this: how do you think Abbigail and Henry felt at the conclusion of Part I—a situation common to many, many people at that time and in those circumstances?

THAT—that—is what I want readers to feel and consider while waiting for Part II.

Of course, as I have indicated, the “ending” of Part I is not the “end” of the story—there are still two acts left and the next is coming out in June, 2022.

Stay tuned…

Proof copies now in!

So exciting to finally hold a copy of the book!

The Light Attendant: A Canadian Bluebird Novel Part I

Our Advanced Readers are getting an early start on the story. It will be available to everyone on March 18th, 2022.

For those of you who can’t wait, you can pre-order your eCopy here: The Light Attendant: A Canadian Bluebird Novel.

Coming March 18th, 2022.